charles peterson

Charles Peterson (b. 1964, Longview, Washington) is internationally known for his photographs of the Seattle music scene in the late 1980s and 1990s. He began making photographs while a student at Bothell High School, and went on to study photography at the University Washington, where he first met as friends many of his future subjects.  

Peterson’s distinct visual style and early work for Sub Pop Records became an important signifier of the phenomenon known as Grunge. 

His photographs have been featured in numerous publications, as well exhibited in group and solo exhibitions around the world. They are included in many private collections, and the permanent collections of the Seattle Art Museum, and MoPOP.

Previous books include Screaming Life (Harper Collins, 1996) Pearl Jam: Place Date (Rizzoli/Ten, 1998), Touch Me I’m Sick
Cypher (powerhouse, 2003, 2008) and Genius (Frye Art Museum, 2015). 

He is the subject of a forthcoming exhibition opening October 2024 at the Tacoma Art Museum, and slated to travel thereafter.  

He lives in Seattle with his family. 
