langley fox

The artist Langley Fox was born in Sun Valley, Idaho, growing up between there and southern California where she currently resides.  After going to school for fashion design at Otis College of art and design and then Parson The New School, she chose a more reclusive path in drawing.  She’s found success through many fashion brands and magazine collaborations, such as Louis Vuitton, Marc Jacobs, Gucci, Tumi, Vogue, V Magazine, and Love Magazine to name a few.  As she evolves, prioritizing more personal projects through her detailed drawings and also moving into oil painting has become the main objective with more art shows on the horizon.

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loves first bloom - standard edition
limited quantities
heart evangelista / love marie escudero


step out - 10 x 8 inch edition
melissa villaseñor


neon people - 18 x 33 inch - signed edition
love marie escudero x brandon boyd


keep going - 10 x 8 inch edition
melissa villaseñor


brain maze - 10 x 8 inch edition
melissa villaseñor


hold on - limited edition print
melissa villaseñor


windows - 10 x 8 inch edition
melissa villaseñor

